Friday, July 12, 2013


Crab packed his things up this morning and is leaving.

Unsure of how I feel about it.  If anything I feel sad but sometimes it takes me a while when something happens to feel any emotion at all.


  1. Wow. That's big. Was it his decision or yours, or a mutual thing? I know it hurts even if it was the "mature" thing to do.

  2. Wow....


    We seriously need to talk. I hate to turn every conversation into a 'me' one, but I swear your blog mirrors my life so much. That's one of the reasons I love reading it so much. So what happened? How did it go down?

    1. We totally should talk because I swear we are eerily alike!

  3. They asked all the questions I wanna know.

  4. Well. I was getting dressed and i noticed him packing his things. I had asked him about what time he wanted to go by his house to cut the grass and he wouldn't give me a straight answer. So I'm like "Ok whatever..." Then I said "Why are you packing? Are you leaving" And he said "Yeah there are things that I don't like and they aren't going to change and so I'm leaving."

    Laki I always tell you that it feels like we have parallel lives!
