Friday, February 25, 2011

The Perfect Storm

I need to be a lot more careful about my choice of music. What I play and when I play it.  I've never actually heard anyone say "I hate music".  But I think people have different relationships with music. 
Mine is very passionate and tumultuous.  Music is like a body of water and I am in a little row boat.  And depending on the song, how good the song was written and composed and the lyrics or mood; It could even be one bar of notes that invokes a certain feeling. It can lift me up or pull me down.  Deep down.  I could be sitting there in my row boat on a sunny day, and the song changes and the clouds begin to roll in and I suddenly realize I'm not on a lake, in the summer,  I'm in the middle of the perfect storm. Underwater, drowning, and the lyrics are like cement shoes pulling me further and further under
And sometimes like today, I'm sado masochistic.
Today, this is the storm I've chosen to ride today

And this this is when the struggle is over, I'm tired from the fight and I can see the shore

It may sound a bit crazy and melodramtic but those are both things you already knew about me anyway so...  I don't care


  1. Wow I love this post, thats how I feel about music. No matter your mood there is a song you can relate to. Beautifully written.

    And I LOVE that Mumford & Sons song, my friend has been trying to get me to listen to them forever...I might have to give them a try. :-)

  2. Thanks Poppy. It's just so powerful and I have very little control over it.

    Try it! You'll like it!
