Sunday, February 19, 2012

A different cuffing season

Crab and I had an interesting night. 

So... um last night I got handcuffed behind my back and left on the bed with a mask and my collar on.  I eventually fell asleep and was woken up with, you guessed it... a great big slap in the face!

It was epic!

I woke up confused. I wasn't sure what had just happened. Then I remembered where I was and started cracking up.

Then I get handed a shiny glass dildo and get told to give him a show and I did and what a show it was.  I knocked myself out! Cold! Eventually I asked him to lay with me and he did.  Then we went to get some Popeyes at 4am. 

We had fun!

But did you notice something...  I said I fell asleep.  I've never actually fallen asleep there.  Only laid on the edge of sleep.  I was actually out cold like three times!

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